Submit testimonies

Share Your Testimony for the glory of God

Luke 8:39 – “Return home and tell how much God has done for you.” So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him.

It is important to share your testimony publicly, this proves that you are greatful to the Lord Jesus Christ who has changed your life. Your testimony will motivate many brothers and sisters and the Lord Jesus Christ is honored.

Please share your testimony with us using the form below. Alternatively, you can record a short video with your testimony and send it to us via WhatsApp +2762 791 6167.

We encourage you to read the testimony guidelines before submitting your testimony.



  • Please introduce yourself including your first name and country of residence

Step Two – BEFORE

  • What challenges were you facing? How did this affect your daily life? What steps did you take in search of a solution? How did you discover God’s Heart TV/ Brother Chris?

Step Three – PRAYER:

  • How exactly did you receive your healing/ miracle/ deliverance/ breakthrough? What was the specific experience you had at that moment (if any)?

Step Four – AFTER:

  • What are the changes in your life after this encounter? How has your spiritual life grown since then?

Step Five – ADVICE

  • What is your advice or encouragement to others hearing your testimony?

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