The Grace Behind The Spotted Sheep

Sunday Live Service – and live healing service 02-06-2024
Sermon: The Grace Behind The Spotted Sheep
The Spotted Sheep
In this sermon, the man of God, Pastor Daniel Ouakson, talks about the prophetic meaning of the color brown, brass. The color of man, the color of weakness but the color of worship out of humility to attrack God’s Healing Power… During this live service, the Church Trinity of the Most High God and Pastor Daniel Ouakson prays for a family in Pakistan, a daughter who has been suffering for 2 weeks, the medical products could not help her, so, the family believed in God’s power. Biblical verses: Genesis 30: 31-34 ; Jeremiah 18: 1-11; Revelation 1: 15; Exodus 30: 18; Numbers 21: 8-9.
Prayer request or donation or suggestions, please, contact Pastor Daniel Ouakson via WhatsApp +27 62 791 6167
Watch the sermon here: