Who Is Jesus
The Story of Jesus is the greatest story ever told. It is the true story of Jesus’ life and death, what he did and what he taught. It is a story that calls us to respond to the question, “Who is Jesus?”
This story comes from the fourth book in the New Testament, the second half of the Bible. It is traditionally called “The Gospel of John” because one of Jesus’ followers named John wrote it.
You are invited to read the story for yourself. You can read the introduction in the bible, peruse the table of contents below, or click on the chapter headings along the top of this page to start reading.
You can also download the story to read off-line. (You may need Adobe’s free Reader to view the book.) When you are done, if you have any question please feel free to respond.
The next morning, back across the lake, the crowds discovered that Jesus was no longer with them. They knew that he had not gone with us in the one boat that was there.
Fortunately, some boats from Tiberias had drifted ashore near the place where they had eaten bread after the Lord had given thanks for it. They got into these boats and went across the lake to Capernaum looking for Jesus.
When they found us there on the other side of the lake, they asked Jesus, “Rabbi, when did you get here?
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Jesus comes to earth and chooses his disciples
Chapter 2
Jesus performs his first miracle, then goes to Jerusalem and drives the merchants out of the temple
Chapter 3
A Rabbi learns from Jesus what it means to be born again
Chapter 4
A Samaritan woman is taught by Jesus that believing in him brings eternal life
Chapter 5
Jesus heals a lame man, then teaches that he is the source of true life
Chapter 6
Jesus and his teaching that he is the bread of life
Chapter 7
Opposition against him continues to rise
Chapter 8
Jesus tells the religious authorities that although the claim to be the children of Abraham they are really the children of the devil
Chapter 9
A man who was born blind is healed by Jesus and involved in a discussion with the Jewish leaders regarding whom Jesus really is
Chapter 10
Jesus teaches that he is good shepherd but the Jewish authorities do not believe and plan to kill him
Chapter 11
A dead man, Lazarus is raised from the grave by Jesus
Chapter 12
Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey and the people proclaim him to be the Messiah
Chapter 13
Jesus washes the feet of his disciples as an example of the humble relationship they are to have with one another
Chapter 14
Jesus promises that when he leaves them, the Holy Spirit will come to them as a Helper
Chapter 15
The relationship between Jesus and his disciples is illustrated by a vine and its branches
Chapter 16
When the Holy Spirit comes he will convict the world, and the disciples grief will be turned into joy
Chapter 17
Jesus prays on the night before his betrayal and crucifixion
Chapter 18
Jesus is tried before the Jewish authorities and then before Pilate
Chapter 19
The crucifixion, death, and burial of Jesus
Chapter 20
Jesus rises from the dead and appears several times to his disciples
Chapter 21
The final scenes in the life of Jesus here on earth